Wyoming Ferris Mountains

I drew a non resident area 87 limited tag. Never been there. Looking at google maps and BLM topo maps it looks like the Ferris Mountains might be good. Or should I be over in the Seminoe Mountains by the dam. I will be DIY bowhunting deer in September. I don't have elk tags so only deer. Any general info, warnings, etc.. on this area would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Country Nate, Welcome to MM. I hunt the Green Mountains just across the highway to the west. The Ferris Mountains are very good Mulie country. All the Oil and Gas exploration has made the country more accessible. [not exactly a good thing] But you will be able to get back in with a good 4X4. Still, to get where the big bucks are be ready to do some very hard hiking. I've seen a couple very bad blizzards go roaring through that country in mid Oct. It can also be 70 degrees. All in all some great country. Good luck.
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Thanks Wayne. I'm a runner, and that should help with the hiking. From The satellite map the mountains look roadless. The BLM map says the range is a "Study Wilderness Area" whatever that is. But that map could be a couple of years old by now.

Those Wilderness Study Areas are great places to hunt.