Wyoming left list help
7/3/07 12:40pm
Anyone here have a good understanding of the Wyoming left overs? They just came out and I see a unit Id like to hunt... Do I apply for leftovers or is this the leftovers I can buy OTC?
They show unit 29 has 169 Type 1 tags avaliable for the leftover draw. That unit for deer would be 14 & 167, which is in Region B and they show that they have 47 tags avaliable for the draw, unless you want to hunt only Whitetails, if so they have 196 Whitetail only tags left. We as NRs must send in certified funds with our apps. I don't know of much public land that is in SE WY. If you look on the BLM maps you'll see some state land here and there but not very much.
It also encompasses a fair amount of Thunderbasin National Grassland (TBNG). If I'm not mistaken, some or all of that is open to hunting as well. Check a little futher into it and see what you come up with.