Wyoming Mule Deer

Howdy guys and gals!
I was wondering if anyone had any recomendations for what type (pattern) camo would work best for Muleys and Pronghorn in Wyoming. We will be hunting mostly in foothills NorthEast of Casper so I assume we will be in sagbrush most of the time. Hunt will take place 2nd week of October. Thanks in advance for any help!
Good Hunting!!!
only been there a few times and ya thats mostly what youll encounter is the sage bush
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I usually wear brown carhart pants and whatever i have for a camo shitr, heck sometimes I even wear a gray hoodie. Don't sweat the camo, but if you absolutly think you need it try Kings outdoor wold. They have the kigs patterns on their site. I also have a couple pieces of asat.
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Prarie Ghost, love that camo!!!!! :thumb
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The best for Southern Wyoming is Natural Gear. That is the best camo that hides your outline in either the deep woods, or open sage.
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Is this a guided hunt? If so, who is the outfitter?
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Thanks for all the help! 264mag, No it's not guided but we are meeting a friend out there that is a local and has the arrangements made with the landowner. He knows the ranch well as he has hunted it in the past. 8 more work days till we leave, I cant wait....my work is suffering due to daydreaming about the trip....Good Hunting to all!!