wyoming mule hunt

I would like to hunt the thunder basin grass land for mules anybody have any tips ?
WOW! You're huntin' mules?!?

JUST kiddin' bud! (I couldn't pass that up) lol

Welcome to the site. If ya would, there is a thread in the Mule Deer forum entitled "MuleyMadness Roll Call". If ya have a few minutes can ya tell us a little about yourself there?

There are a lot of great folks here. Hopefully one of them can help point ya in the right direction.
I don't know anything about mules, but there are sure a lot of wild horses in that country. To bad they can't be hunted, controlled. IMO.
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My son and I hunted the grasslands in 2007..great time but lots of hunters....I will send you a PM...
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Y'all are just wrrooong!
dbrehm ::wel to muley madness I see this is your first and ONLY post why dont you take a minute and tell us all about yourself.
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The Thunder Basin Grasslands hold some deer, but it is not known for producing lots of trophies. First advice I would give its to get REALLY GOOD MAPS. The area is a big checkerboard of public and private lands and you can get popped for trespassing real easily. Be sure to know where you are.

You could also look at some other areas in Region B. There are landowners north of Douglas and Lusk who allow trespass fee hunting and you would likely have a higher quality experience by paying the trespass fee. The Chambers of Commerce in Douglas and Lusk have names if you need them.

Good hunting.
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Thanks ICM , Waiting on Draw results and then i'm gonna Finish my homework.
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If I were you I would not put off your hunt plans until after the draw...Actually IMHO I believe it is imperative to have a complete plan before a person puts in for the draw, with all the contingencies in place....Wyoming is a beautiful state but be prepared for change..even public land that was available for hunting a year ago may now be land locked because of State or BLM land transactions....If you are hunting with an outfitter however your work may be a little easier because you don't have to aquire all the maps necessary for the hunt.....
Did you recieve the PM I sent you?....What areas did you apply for?...I may be able to help you pickout a campsite depnding on which area you applied for...I have GPS coorinates on several spots where we camped in the Grasslands....
Good Luck on your draw,
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Bogboy , pm sent to you