Wyoming Muleys

I am new to you site and have been looking back through the older posts and noticed that everytime someone brings up the topic of the best mule deer hunts in the country Wyoming doesn't even get menchined. I guess that dosen't bother me to much :thumb
But was just wondering are these other hunts that good or is it just because Wyoming doen't get as much attention in the hunting magazines or have the population?

First off, welcome to Muley Madness. We look forward to your posts.

As for the beautiful state of Wyoming not being mentioned much from bowhunters, I truly believe it's due to the numbers that are hunting there. It simply doesn't get a lot of bowhunting pressure. Furthermore, it's not a real bowhunter friendly state. By that I mean, they do not offer Archery Only tags in lieu of drawing a general tag.

I've visited your beautiful state many times over the years (my in-laws all live there) and have seen some tremendous bucks.....mostly on private land though. If I knew where to go in some public high country where I wouldn't need a guide to venture, you can bet I'd be chasing some muleys there. I'm personally more familiar with Arizona, Utah and Colorado, so that's where I tend to go.

Look forward to your posts and again, welcome aboard.

Long time no talk, how has the winter been treating you? Well it has been a very good winter for me up until the past month. I have been doing a ton of snowboarding, being since the Jackson area has been getting slammed with snow this year. They are saying as of now it is already the third snowiest winter ever in Jackson's history with at least a good two more months of snow. About a month ago me and two buddies were doing some back country boarding and we got swept into a small avalanche and sent us off a 15' cliff. I slipped a disk in my back and I have been layed up ever since. Being seeing the back cracker but it doesn't seem to be helping. Have not really been out much this winter scouting or spotting on the winter grounds as I was so busy boarding but hopefully here in the next few weeks I will be feeling better and ready to get to the country. Bought my moose and sheep points here in Wyoming and almost time to start applying for the 06' season. Looks like I will be doing much the same as last year. However me and a buddy have been doing some research and we are thinking we might be applying for some deer tags down and around Flaming Gorge.

Been good here pard, but too warm for my liking. So, it got a bit western for you on the slopes, eh? Sounds like you need to garage that snowboard and start viewing some critters instead.......MUCH safer that way.

I sent off for my WY points this year......might as well start building like everyone else there. Hoping to draw a decent tag in CO or UT or even my own state. Good luck in the draws.
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The best one are were u find them