Wyoming Non Resident Deer License

I have not applied for a non-resident Wyoming mule deer license since they have gone to a “preference” system. There are two option fees that I do not understand about the system. There is a “Preference Point Fee Option” on the application ($40). There is a “Preference Point Only Application” ($40), that you can apply for in July. My questions are as follows:

1. When applying for the license and you pick the option “Preference Point Fee Option” do you get a point for that year or the following year?

2. When applying for the “Preference Point Only Application” does that apply for the current year or the next?

3. If the “Preference Point Only Application” applyies for the following year, can I purchase it this year 2008 for the 2009 season and thereby have 1 point for 2009?

I realize the questions seem confusing, but when I look at the statistics on the Wyoming Game and Fish web-site, if you have 1.0 points or 0.11 points you had a 100% chance of getting drawn in Region R.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1. you will get a point if ya dont draw

2.Points only will apply to the next year(ie. you buy pts this fall, you will have 1 pt for the application in 200

3. yes

hope that helps,
