Sad deal, pretty buck. Dumb decision for sure, glad they got him.
"With a 28-inch spread, this six-by-nine point non-typical buck would have been a trophy of a lifetime for any law abiding hunter," Lund said. "I applaud the survey crew for reporting the crime, as well as their attention to detail, which greatly assisted the investigation."
That could of been one of ours, thats whay you don't tolerate poachers!
"With a 28-inch spread, this six-by-nine point non-typical buck would have been a trophy of a lifetime for any law abiding hunter," Lund said.

Ain't that the truth! I am trying to understand WHY he shot the deer in the first place as he didn't try to recover it?!? Glad to see he was caught by the info the survey crew provided. Stand up guys there! :thumb
Just curious, what does the fish and game departments do with rifle's they confiscate?
That’s why it’s such a good idea to pay attention to your surroundings and what is going on while in the outdoors. Game and fish can’t be everywhere and it’s up to us to help them out and keep our addiction healthy.
Glad they caught him, his nonchalant attitude sort of tells us this might not have been his first poaching incident. :>/
"FastGM3" wrote:Just curious, what does the fish and game departments do with rifle's they confiscate?
Good question, I don't believe I've ever heard of an auction for confiscated firearms. Vehicles, yes, but never firearms. Anyone know? Inquiring minds want to know?
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Not sure what they do with all of them, when I was teaching hunter education up there, we had a lot of training weapons, they welded the chamber and the muzzle and we used them in the practical portion of the class, have no idea what they do with the others. We did have all different types of weapons. As for the fines, all monies collected from hunting/fishing violations are placed into the State school fund.

I’m glad to see the judges using the teeth in the law. The fines for poaching a Trophy animal was passed early nineties, they set a minimum amount and max for poaching a Trophy animal.
Colorado started the "Samson Law" in 1998. The Samson Act of 1998 — named for a bull elk killed in Rocky Mountain National Park — imposes stiff penalties for the illegal taking of elk or deer considered to be trophy animals. Hunters/ Poachers found in violation of the Samson Act must pay a $10,000 fine, no ifs, ands or buts.
But the way the legislation defines what is and is not a trophy animal can be confusing. Under the act, any six-point bull is considered trophy class, while for deer, the inside spread of antlers, measured from the main beam, must be at least 22 inches. To make sure this was consistent for everyone, the DOW uses the method prescribed by the Boone and Crockett Club. We use the Boone and Crockett Club measurement because it is an internationally recognized organization.”
Weapons confiscated in criminal wildlife violations are generally destroyed if the defendant is found guilty of the offense. The weapons are generally not auctioned, as departments would be required to have a firearms dealer permit from ATF to legally auction them. Furthermore, most departments do not want the liability of releasing or auctioning firearms to the general public.

I can't tell you how many times I've escorted truck loads of quality seized firearms to local steel mills for destruction. They are unloaded and thrown into a molten iron mill.....instantly melting them. We usually send 1-2 thousand firearms a year to this program.
thats a shame, it seems like it w a good way to make a little extra revaniew[sp??] i mean if they sold for just an average of $100.00 each [ and you would think it would be more??] thats somewhere between 100-200,000 thousand dollers???
You would cry if you ever saw all the fine classic firearms that have been destroyed. I have witnessed some of the weapon buy backs with little ole ladies bringing in their passed husbands guns. First gen Colts, org 1911's, and on and on......makes you sick.