Wyoming reduced price deer
JD Rogge
7/11/11 1:32pm
I'm confused, I looked on the Wyo game and fish site at the leftover tags and it said the full price tags went on sale the 6th of july and reduced price tags go on sale on the 20th. I called Game and Fish to ask them what the reduced price for non res was and the lady I talked to said that the price is the same and it was only for does. On the website it says after the 20th it is reduced price and good for any whitetail deer. I was wondering because we are going to the Lusk area antelope hunting and figured it wouldn't hurt to have a deer tag in my pocket also. I don't know if there was just a miscommunication or she just didn't know, or if I am reading something wrong.Thanks

7/11/11 6:23pm
As far as I know any and all Reduced price tags are doe/fawn tags. The savings in buying leftover tags comes from not having to pay the entry fee. If you want a buck tag it is still the same price as if you were applying for it but you don't have to pay that extra fee, and July 20th is when the doe/fawn tags go on sale.