Wyoming Region C
8/31/09 10:47am
Looking for any help with Mulie hunting in region C. Going with a group of 4 to hunt public land or willing to pay between 500 to 1000 a person for private land access depending on the land. Thank you for any help
Your kinda late in the year for securing access to good property, but you can give the Casper Game and fish dept office a call I believe they handle region C.
Ask them for a list a landowners that allow access for a fee or for free and they should be able to assist you.
The best places are usually reserved well in advance by the same hunters year after year, there is some decent Public in region C too, used to be a big region until they split the region a couple years ago.
Get your self some BLM maps for the area you plan on hunting , I have not hunted region C since 2006 before the region was split into 2 regions.
Good Luck
You may have a hard time getting quality land to hunt it is late in the year for gaining access but then again you may be able to find good land with the economy the way it is there may not be many hunting out of state this fall.
Beware of the landowners who just take your money and have 30 hunters on their land and no game to hunt it happens all the time, so ask the right questions before paying for access.
When you have a minute and go to Muley madness roll call and introduce your self to the members of the site.