Wyoming region d Updated "Success!!!"

What is the deer herd quality in this unit? This is my first out of state hunt and I would like to know what to expect as far as numbers. I already know where I'm going to hunt, I'm just wondering on how the overall populations are for mule deer. Also are there possiblities for white tail.if any one else has questions about the unit I'd be glad to let you know what ihave learned so far.
There is a chance for White tails. Mostly in river bottoms, irrigated farmland, private property.
I hunt just West in Region E. Same type of country. Mountains, canyons and badlands. Lots of Big rolling Sage country. Not many deer in the sage country. Good numbers of Mulies in the rough and high stuff.
I hunted region D last year and am going to again this year. Scouting tomorrow. I didn't see a lot of deer on public lands last year, but shot the biggest one that I saw. A 20" 3 point on day 8. There are deer there for the taking, just do your research and keep after it.
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If it is ok with the admin i posted this story on a different forum. There are some pics of our success.

Nice job. Those are surely some stud bucks.