Wyoming Unit 10...
9/8/20 2:36pm
So here we go again...first time hunting Mule Deer in Wyo since our trip in 2013...in that time we have bounced back and forth between CO and WYO hunting lope and elk. This year we burned 7 preference points on this unit. Mostly due to the age of the group going and the ease of the terrain...now they want to hunt this unit like they are after eastern whitetails...and I'm telling them they need to be out of camp before first light...but I digress its their hunt too let them do as they please.
On the other hand, I am looking for as much in formation as I can gather. I have been all over OnX for the last month and talked to the area biologist twice and he was a real nice guy. Sadly, he only shared what I already know...glass glass glass they move early and late. I understand it is been dry as a pop corn fart in that part of Wyo this spring and summer.
Would greatly appreciate any information, Thanks!
On the other hand, I am looking for as much in formation as I can gather. I have been all over OnX for the last month and talked to the area biologist twice and he was a real nice guy. Sadly, he only shared what I already know...glass glass glass they move early and late. I understand it is been dry as a pop corn fart in that part of Wyo this spring and summer.
Would greatly appreciate any information, Thanks!
The area we hunted is known as the "red hills" on the topo maps a national grasslands forest road that runs east & west off of Hiway 59 is well graveled and will bring you into that part of 10. If you are camping the rules in 2010 were you were allowed 1 vehicle width off the forest roads to park your vehicle/camper.
Wish I could be more help but haven't been to that area for 10 years. I will be antelope hunting near Casper this year and deer hunting on the west side of the bighorns.
Good luck to you & your crew.