Wyoming Unit 114 - HELP
7/6/11 9:37am
Okay guys. My dad just bought my brother one of the left over tags for Wyoming unit 114 for Antelope. We have never set foot in the unit. (I know shame on us) He is planning on taking the family up for a vacation and figured a hunt is as good as a vacation as it gets. He is wondering what the unit is like as far as animals (number and quality) and also is there decent access or is it allot of private property. He might not get a chance to go up scouting so it will probably be a "go in blind hunt" So if any of you are feeling generous and would like to give out a few tips we would be grateful. Thanks.

7/7/11 3:46am
The unit looks to be ALMOST ALL PUBLIC here is a link to a map of the unit.

7/7/11 3:48am
DeadI check your PM's