5/16/13 1:34pm
Planning on possibly hunting this unit next year. If I draw my antelope tag this year I plan to check the unit out this fall. I'm just wondering what to expect from this unit and if its worth the points? Haven't found anything anywhere online about this unit, not sure if that's a good thing or not? Any info would be appreciated. [-o<

5/20/13 3:15am
If you're not really "set on" going this year and don't want to waste points, you might consider waiting for a leftover tag. We hunted unit 21 last year. We were planning on getting drawn for mule deer in CO but didn't, so we waited until Wyoming posted their leftover tags and bought them for $282 a piece over the internet the morning they went on sale. I don't know how it is in unit 37 but you should get on the Wyoming website and see what the statistics were for last year and if they had any leftovers. There were over 150 leftover tags for unit 21 and we had no problem getting 6 tags for each of the guys going. Biggest lope we killed was an 11 1/2 incher; not enormous by any means but good enough for my wall here in Texas. If they have a good number of left over tags for that unit every year it might be good to save your points for a trophy unit.

5/20/13 8:16am
Thanks, not sure what I'm going to do If I don't draw my goat tag? I am weighing my options, might go for a left over goat or deer tag in WY, Might go on a 1-1/2 week long predator tour.

5/23/13 3:23pm
You'll have a blast either way. We camped public land for a week, shot some prairie dogs, could have shot a badger(But didn't), and saw a lot of antelope. Certain parts of WY are letting shoot Gray Wolf on sight ...(at least they did last year). Might ask about it. We didnt' see any, but we heard a lot of residents say they're around...

5/31/13 9:57am
That sounds like a good time as well