
hey man, you still around, have you left for the rifle season in wyoming yet. i leave next wednesday, and to say i am excited would be an understatement. i am hoping for a change in weather before i leave, help drive them deer down out of the high country, but if not, not a problem, i will just go on up there and join there company. the folks up here in northwestern wyoming, jackson hole, have been having a heck of a time bringing home some big deer, not to say there has not been any, just not the numbers i would have expected to see coming from this country. there have been some real toad elk being taken though. i personally have looked at probably a dozen trophy bulls, at least in my terms they were trophies, all well over 330"!
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Hey, pard, I am back. Sorry I did not see your post before leaving out to Thermop territory on the 13th. We had a great trip, got some bomber bucks (see the "Opening Day" thread), and made it back home OK. Went up to Jackson for a side trip last Tuesday and hit the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, saw a few hundred big bucks on the winter rest area, and enjoyed the Tetons in the snow and clouds. Great area up there. Hope your hunt was good and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


Hey man, checked out the photos of the deer you got this year in Wyoming. Than is one good deer, nothing to be ashamed of there, that is a good example of what wyoming has to offer.

Unfortunately for me, at least as far as big game is concerned, i am done hunting again for this season, maybe spring bears. The anticipation is always almost more than i can stand, and then the season comes and goes so darn fast, and then the dreadful wait until next season. ooohhh well, i guess that is also what attracts me to hunting as well.

We had a heck of a hunt, we went 5 for 5 on decent 4pt. deer. Nothing outrageously huge, but all five were good deer. on a couple of the days we chased some dandy deer but were unable to capitalize on them. anyways the day after the deer hunt i was hunting elk with my little sisters and we came across the most impressive deer i personally have ever seen. 34 wide, heavy, tall, just a dandy buck. I am reconsidering on where i put in for deer next year.

you still around, man i haven't heard a peep from you in a couple weeks, work got you down? whats the plan for next season, you coming back to wonderful wyoming again? i am planning on doing the same old routine in wyoming; deer, elk, and desert maggot, and a montana muley hunt, maybe a montana deer and elk combination, depending on the financial situation when the time comes to apply again.
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Yep, I'm still out here trying to wedge work in between whitetail hunts here in beautiful downtown Arkinsaw. No luck on the local deer but I ain't huntin' 'em too hard. I guess I just ain't mad at the little rascals like I used to be when I was younger. Besides, sitting in a tree stand over corn feeders just isn't the same as a 1/2 day stalk on the desert. And these little native deer are about the size of a German shepherd. Deer camp is the best part, hanging out with all my pards and tellin' lies.

Oh well, I'll just have to wait and hope I get drawn for my honey hole in Wyoming next year. If not, I think I will go out there anyway and hang out......maybe swill some Keystone with the cowboys or something !!

Best regards to all for a happy holiday season and many safe and successful hunts.
