Yesterday was our 24th anniversary
12/14/09 9:28am
Hey Guys,
My wife and I celebrated our 24th anniversary yesterday and it got me to thinking about how truly blessed that I am to have a wife that never complains about my hunting. Scottie Jo you rock! Curious as to how long some of you have been married?
My wife and I celebrated our 24th anniversary yesterday and it got me to thinking about how truly blessed that I am to have a wife that never complains about my hunting. Scottie Jo you rock! Curious as to how long some of you have been married?
We celebrated 14 yrs in October. I love her dearly but I'm not so lucky as I do get the occasional complaint about hunting. Wouldn't trade her though, she's awesome.
Congrats on 24 years!!!!
I am going on 26 this year, and like you feel very blessed to have my wife!
Congratulations to you'r 24th anniversary
Going on 19 years here and the only complaint my wife has ever had about my hunting is when I come back with tag soup lol
My wife and I have been married for 29 years this last November =D> She also happens to be my full time hiking, hunting, snowshoeing, 4 wheeling and shed hunting partner. 10sign:
Maybe I am her shed hunting partner, she loves shed hunting way more then shopping. lol