Yesterday was our 24th anniversary

Hey Guys,

My wife and I celebrated our 24th anniversary yesterday and it got me to thinking about how truly blessed that I am to have a wife that never complains about my hunting. Scottie Jo you rock! Curious as to how long some of you have been married?

Congrats to you wingmaster.

We celebrated 14 yrs in October. I love her dearly but I'm not so lucky as I do get the occasional complaint about hunting. Wouldn't trade her though, she's awesome.
8 years here. Congratulations to you on 24 years.
I have been married just under a year. The only complaint i receive from my wonderful wife is that she can't come with me when she is carrying our child.
Congrats on 24 years!!!!
Congrats on 24!

I am going on 26 this year, and like you feel very blessed to have my wife!
Springville Shooter
Mrs.shooter has put up with me for 13 years going on 14. I too get a few complaints, but in the end, she always caves and let's me have my fun. That's a good girl! -----shooter
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20 years for me, and my wife never complaint about me going hunting :thumb
Congratulations to you'r 24th anniversary
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Congrats on 24 yrs. I've been with my wife for 6yrs, the last 3 months have been hard due to fact I found out she had a year and a half affair. But I still love her and we are working it out. Over all she is a great woman and doesnt complain about my hunting and outdoor stuff. If anyones else is in the same boat keep your head up and it can all be worked out.
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9 for me, I have you all beat my wife is the best. 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
9 for me, a very RARE complaint, but 99% of the time she puts up with it all! i wont complain :thumb
Congratulations to you on 24 years
Congrats on your 24th anniversary!

Going on 19 years here and the only complaint my wife has ever had about my hunting is when I come back with tag soup lol
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Congrats on 24 yrs. 16 for me and my wife has been hunting with me for 14 of them even when she was pregnant very few complaints usually only when I am not finding her a buck! lol
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going to be 9 years on dec. 20th for me . get a complaint every now and then , but she comes out hunting with me also .
Congrats on 24 years, that seems rare these days. :not-worthy

My wife and I have been married for 29 years this last November =D> She also happens to be my full time hiking, hunting, snowshoeing, 4 wheeling and shed hunting partner. 10sign:

Maybe I am her shed hunting partner, she loves shed hunting way more then shopping. lol
Well I wasn't going to post, but your anniversary is my wife's birthday. We are working on 37 years now. Outside of the cost of out of state tags, the only complaint is when I do bring something home. She's a keeper,besides the warrenty is off, can't trade er in now.