Yet another email received...

Just got this today and have no way of verifying anything but thought is was still worth throwing up on here. Supposedly from north of Mt. Vernon, IL. Here's the "story" first and pics to follow:

Look at what James Snipe hit with his car on state route 161 east of Iuka road. The lion was still alive but unable to move, so our neighbor called the Marion County Dog Catcher and they came and put him down.

A land owner had seen this one a week before dragging off a 320 lb steer. His neighbor is an amateur taxidermist and he's going to stuff him. This one weighed 260 lbs. while most mature male mountain lions weigh 80 to 150 lbs. We had no idea they still roamed around here!
Well, regardless of the location, that cat is BIG!

Now...for a taxidermist in Illinois he sure has a LOT of muley antlers/racks in that back room...and although it's hard to tell, I don't see any whitetail racks. I do see one elk antler behind him and to the right (as you look at the pic).

Just thought I would throw that out there. Thanks for posting this up ABert.
Partially true. Yes it was hit by a vehicle, but in AZ and not IL as stated in the email. Here's the real story behind this cat. Along with a few different variations of the "story" going around the net.
i got the same e-,ail last year, it said from BORING, OREGON, big cat, funny how they get changed
Sharp eye, Hawk. I didn't even notice the antlers in the background.

79er, thanks for finding that on Snopes. I knew better than to believe the email and knew someone on here would come up with the truth.
Great looking cat but definately not from Illinois..
regardless of where he was killed, that is a BIG kitty
Yep, I think it is at least a year or two old. I have seen it listed as from any number of states but believe it was actually Oregon.