Yet more Coyotes

Here are a few pics of some Coyotes we got on the San Carlos Reservation. We called 15 in in 3 days and had a blast. We only managed to kill 3 but hey thats hunting. The first one we setup on a hillside overlooking some pretty thick stuff and I started with the Fox Pro Caller with the Jackrabbit blues. After about 7 Minutes I started on the Dan Thompson PC3 with a Cottontail Voice. After less than 1 minute this female showed up and my Brother (Dan) Squeaked and she stopped right in his crosshairs and he let her have it. We started packing the shotgun after all the missed opportunities we had that day." alt="" />

The next day we setup on a hilltop that we called the day before, but figured we had been busted on the way in because a Coyote ran off as soon as we crested the hill. Anyway same thing as before I had the Fox Pro on the Woodpecker in Distress this time and nothing for about 5 Minutes, so I changed to the PC3 and within 1 Minute I hear this ground pounding behind me and turn to see what it was and a coyote was right behind me. He turned and headed down the center top of the ridge so I swung my gun up on him, but as I was looking to get him in my scope Dan swung the Mossberg 9200 with 00 Buck around stood up and fired all in one motion. Well the Coyote folded up big time. As I was watching that Coyote (know better than this) another Coyote was just headed over the end of the ridge Arg! missed opportunity. All in all a great hunt." alt="" />

My buddy Steve in that picture above, just before that, he shot one with his shotgun and hit it pretty good but we could not find it quick so we moved on to the stand where we got this Male.

Anyway Good hunting......
Great pics, thanks for sharing. 15 dogs in 3 days, dang sounds like a lot to me. :)

Where is the San Carlos Res.?
It's in Globe AZ. About a 8 hr. drive from here but worth it for the dogs.
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Sounds like it is a pretty good time! We have been calling on Sundays and I am proud to say I FINALLY shot my first dog on new years day! The past 3 weeks I've saw dogs shot but no luck myself! ElkaHolic: do you ever call in contests? not the Calling contests, but Killing contests?! If you are at all interested in contests let me know, or anyone else in So. Utah or the surrounding area! Some of the local boys hold contests with two man teams and they seem to be growing! Good job on the dogs above!
Wheres the picures? I am interested in the contest. Good for you on your forst one! Now your gonna be hoooooked!
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I work at Hurst Sports Center here in Cedar City. The last couple of "coyote bowls" have been on a saturday with mostly local boys coming. There were about 16 teams at both of them we've had this year. The money was split 80/20 with the larger sum going to most dogs and the 20 going to the heaviest. I was talking to by boss getting another "dog day" off and he thought it would be fun to sponsor a "Coyote Shoot", if you will. We are turning all the entry money around back into the prizes, so the more people the better the prizes get! For sure to the top team (2-man) with the most same-day dogs, there will be 2 rifles with scopes (and like I said, the more people, the better the guns get)! In the event of a tie, the highest combined weight of the teams dogs wins the rifles. I believe I was told we've got a vet coming to thermal test the dogs to keep the honest guys honest. There are going to be a bunch of other prizes as well for things like heaviest coyote, oldest and youngest to kill a dog, video prizes and so on. The actual contest is taking place March 12th and we are accepting entries, along with the $20 dollar sign-up fee, between march 1st and the 10th. A complete set of rules will be available on these days when you come in to sign up. As far as a final set of rules, we are still working out discrepancies and complaints among hopeful participants........ Maybe I should be posting this as a topic??? But if your interested, and there's no limits as to where you hunt, as long as you're checked in by the check-in time (I am pushing for 8, just after the store closes). But if you have any questions feel free to send me an e-mail !
Sounds like a blast! count me in, and my partner!