3/4/09 9:53am
Thought you guys and gals ( Antlers is a girl?) might enjoy these.
(Yes im girl, note all the PINK I wear)
My mom has been having yote problems.. eating all her chickens.. Maybe I should put up a cam see whats going on in the hen house..
No, not a cow. It's a horse. She ahd to be put down a couple weeks ago. The trail cam was put up in hopes of taking some cat pics. One of the horses on the ranch was killed by a cat last year.
Brett, I hear ya. Sneaky buggers though. We'll keep trying
I know :) Tonight I will wear a little bit more pink so it will be more clearer...
Dang lions take a toll on ranchers.. We used to a big problem with them.
The only good lion is a dead one
How did you set your camera up?