
Thought you guys and gals ( Antlers is a girl?) might enjoy these.
Pretty cool pics!!! :thumb Thanks for sharing!
Cool pics, now get rid of some fawn killers. :)
Cool picts! Is that a dead cow in the background??
(Yes im girl, note all the PINK I wear)
My mom has been having yote problems.. eating all her chickens.. Maybe I should put up a cam see whats going on in the hen house..
"AntlersOutWest" wrote:Cool picts! Is that a dead cow in the background??
(Yes im girl, note all the PINK I wear)
My mom has been having yote problems.. eating all her chickens.. Maybe I should put up a cam see whats going on in the hen house..
Ha ha ha, just giving you a bad time.

No, not a cow. It's a horse. She ahd to be put down a couple weeks ago. The trail cam was put up in hopes of taking some cat pics. One of the horses on the ranch was killed by a cat last year.

Brett, I hear ya. Sneaky buggers though. We'll keep trying
"Ha ha ha, just giving you a bad time."

I know :) Tonight I will wear a little bit more pink so it will be more clearer...
Dang lions take a toll on ranchers.. We used to a big problem with them.
The only good lion is a dead one

How did you set your camera up?
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cool pics did they ever get at that horse
"AntlersOutWest" wrote:"Ha ha ha, just giving you a bad time."

I know :) Tonight I will wear a little bit more pink so it will be more clearer...
Dang lions take a toll on ranchers.. We used to a big problem with them.
The only good lion is a dead one

How did you set your camera up?
Zip tied to a stump, kinda cool, its maybe 10 feet from the road and you would never see it if you didnt know it was there.
"never agian" wrote:cool pics did they ever get at that horse
They have but only on her back end. At least thats how she was last Sun when we were there.
oh man thats sweet i dont know about what county your from but down here in washington county you can spot light them and shoot them that would be cool, it looks like you have a few different ones comming in.
"*ShedPredator*" wrote:oh man thats sweet i dont know about what county your from but down here in washington county you can spot light them and shoot them that would be cool, it looks like you have a few different ones comming in.
The area is relatively close to Price. So not too far from ya.
great pics, hopefully that cat will come in so you can get some pics of it.