You first buck?
10/14/07 4:49pm
Just wondering how big all you guys' first buck was. Pics would be nice too!
me and pops with it
Was with my cousin and his buddy - it was kinda deep snow but we thought we could find an old bruiser toughin it out.. hadn't seen any deer all morning, we decide to split off, my cousin asks me if i want to look over this certain hill or if i want to take the other route, i take the other route. 5 minutes later 3 shots ring out and next thing i know im helping my cousin drag out this guy, i've been heartbroken ever since.
What could have been my first;
Day 2 same thing happens with my other cousin, tryin out some lower elevations - shots ring out and im helpin pack this thing out #-o
Second failed opportunity;
And on the last day of the hunt, as we're driving out of there i have to bug pops for a while to let me shoot this little tyke. (I know, road huntin son of a ...... but to my credit i had to HIKE 50 or so yards up the hill he ran up to get a shot at him :thumb ). For my first buck, I still don't care I took this guy - especially being as I know I would have gone home empty otherwise cause this was truly last second.
My first buck :)
Here's my first buck. When I was 14.