Young man needs your prayers!

This news story aired on Utahs Fox 13 new and 9 pm tonight. I am Brendons assistant scout master. He is in rough shape right now, and needs all the help he can get from above. It was just a tragic accident, and he is going to have a very long rough road ahead.,0,4572180.story
My prayers are on the way for Branden. fatrooster.
Oh man, not good at all. Will do Jared!
Prayers on the way... [-o<
man , thats just horrible! very sad news- thoughts and prayers for him and his family
Wow DeadI,

Having been a varsity coach and young mens leader, I feel your concern. A very sad deal. I wish the best for him and will include him in my prayers. I just read the comments at the bottom of the story and have to say that Mike from Denver is a complete jerk. He commented that it was probably just an accident or the boy wasn't paying attention and called the parents stupid. How lame of a person must he be to make that type of comment in light of the grief they must be going through. How can he call the parents stupid when they most likely were home while the boy was out with the youth group. Oh, course it was an accident. No one would intentionally fall 40 feet. My heart goes out to the boy, his family, and the poor rope course instructor. Immagine what he is going through mentally. Best of luck to all involved.
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I am with DeadI in the scouts and this was just crazy! He'll be in the hospital for several months by the time he recoveres from all of his injuries. His family is coping good all things considering. They will definitely need your prayers though. Thanks to everyone!