your dream hunt

we all have a dream that we would like to go on . so lets hear about them . mine would be to go to canada and go on one of those caribou hunts . it would be amazing to have that many caribou moving to see and come by you at one time . then to top it off would be to take one with a nice rack that has a double shovel on it . that would be fun .
I am not a big "safari" fan and love the animals we have here in the states/North America but I must admit that the one hunt I've always wanted to take outside of our wonderful hunting opportunities here in the states would be a New Zealand stag hunt. Those monster bulls have always intrigued me.

Number two: I would have to jump on zatarain6's bandwagon. An Alaskan Caribou hunt would be awesome!
I'm thinking Dall sheep in Alaska. To possibly go where no other person has ever been in some of the toughest country in the world. Fly in/out of a base camp and ride horses to the far reaches and then hike up those amazing mountains.
one of them stag hunts in new zealand. that would be awesome
I know I'm going to take crap for this one...but my dream hunt is and likely will always be after a MONSTER MULEY!

I've yet to get the itch out of me or down the big one so I can retire. :)

Having said that, a Caribou hunt would be fantastic, a Dall Sheep hunt sounds super, and I've always wanted to take a big ole Tom Mountain Lion, guess I better stop there.
i would have to many to list but here is a start-- anywhere to hunt a MONSTER bull elk, any of the sheep would be great but to go on an EXTREME Marco Polo sheep hunt would be a dream and a Kodiak brown bear----with a bow. i could go on and on but thats a start
Ummm, kodiak with a bow?!? I've already used up too many of my lives to try that one! That may be the ultimate bow trophy. That or maybe a polar bear.
polar bears r friggen huge
mexican desert muley hunt
I have so many........It will take me 20 years to complete them all. I'm starting out in the rockies, by building preference and bonus points in many states and working my way all over the US and Canada. Then, Lord willing, the world. Africa, New Zealand, Mongolia....etc. I just need my rich uncle to get out of the poor house, so I can get the loans........ -#-
i think it would be awsome to go to africa and hunt most of there animals
I agree with NONYA, mexican mule deer would be the best. Although, I wouldn't mind a bighorn ram or dall sheep...
I'm with NONYA. Hogar de los bucks verdaderos del mulie del monstruo.
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Big muley for sure.
Touch 'em all
I would love to hunt the migrating Caribou of Canada with my bow, but I think that an Argentina hunt for Red Stag would be at the top of my list. They say that Patagonia is like the West was 100 years ago. When I was there I saw more doves in one afternoon than I have seen in my whole life in the US. I talked to one guide that said that you average about 750 shots per day on a dove hunt. If you get sick of hunting the fishing is great. Just thinking about it makes me sick that I am too poor to get my butt there.
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You all might hate me for saying this, and even kick me out of the "club" but I'd love to do some serious fly fishing in Montana.
"A River Runs Through It" is probably my most favorite movie of all time
If you want to stand shoulder to shoulder or drift boat to boat with 10,000 other guys all dressed in identical orvis metro sexual outfits its here waiting for you,the days of montanas solitary flyfisherman or over and you can thank your movie for most of it.
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Hey NONYA, I bet you're right and kinda figured it was like that anyways, but it's the same way here. Heck, we have the San Jaun and the Rio Grande and it always gets shoulder to shoulder, but it's like hunting. There's always gonna be some hole that no one goes to because it's too far or too rugged to get to, and that's were I like to fish. And I don't know about the outfit you descibe, but I prefer a pair of sandles, shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt........................And even if it is shoulder to shoulder, I bet half of them don't know what they're doing...............
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my dream hunt would be a alaskan moose hunt or kodiak grizzly hunt
The Ox
well there are sooo many i just dont have them narrowed down yet! a caribou hunt, a moose hunt, a grizz hunt all would be awesome.
my uncle is on a stag hunt right now in new zealand lucky sob !
i guess the wallabees there are like the jack rabbits here fair open game and all over the hay fields so i guess he'll shoot them as well, i think he said possums as well and several other small game animals
i guess you dont get to bring the stag meat back though but i think they cook you some while your there from the previous hunters stag.
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I think a combo moose,and caribou hunt would be awesome
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Just to draw a elk tag, I have max points 2 years and still cant draw. S o I tried for deer.
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mine would be a african hunt were i could hunt zebra kudu buffalo wilderbest and a lion