Your experience
Muley Shed Freak
6/16/09 9:10pm
What has been your guys' experience, if any, with the website Monster Muley's? Curious what your take on it is.
I've noticed it is alot more crude and rude. Some are there with good information, but others, well.. (???)
I've noticed it is alot more crude and rude. Some are there with good information, but others, well.. (???)
Scary thing is........Monster Muleys in 1999-2001 was exactly like this boards is now. I truly believe that's why the moderators here should ( and they do) enforce the rules evenly across the board when rules are violated.......if not, it becomes the "norm" and eventually leads to where Monster Muleys is now.
Well said Bohntr. I hope this site can stay the way it is. I've noticed a few bad apples that come but seem to leave quickly as they just aren't tolerated very long. Thanks again to all the moderators that put time in to making this a great place to swap info and stories.
I am glad BOHNTR is moderating there now. If they police the forum across the board they may be able to win back the site to something where people would want to go there again.