Your Opinion On Nevada Hunt System
For The Love of It
10/12/10 2:03pm
In 2011 the Nevada Division of Wildlife will begin a non trophy elk hunt in the state. A non trophy bull is considered to be a bull with 5 or fewer points on at least one side including broken points. The reason why the state decided to start this hunt is because they are worried there are too many bulls in the herds right now. In other states if they are worried about too many bulls in a herd they give out spike tags to lower the numbers. Maybe I'm missing a big part of the purpose of this tag but I see this hunt lowering the quality of elk that are in Nevada's herds. What do you guys think?
Yes it will lower the quality if they give to many tags and for to long.
NO it won't lower the quality if tags are limited and for only as long as needed.
Might be a good idea for a time, but I don't see it as being a long term benefit?