Looks like if I draw a Colorado tag this year, I'll be hunting a full…
Boy seem's like forever since I've been on here. In that time I did get aa…
Well I'm finally a resident in a state that I can really hunt locally. My…
I have wanted this for several years. Finally had the opportunity. Chose…
I got to go fishing on my mission. I was pretty stoked to be able to go,…
Hey oh, dont know how many of you guys remember me, but I got back a few…
I'm hoping to be hunting unit 58 and 581 in colorado this oct/nov. This…
Well, I put in for the mule deer draw for unit 58,581 colorado this year.…
Can a person use night optics to hunt coyotes? I am guessing, if yes,…
So I hate to be that guy but once April 1st rolls around I'd like to try…
some good video of Vapor trails able to see all the way to the steel…
Now that I have 100rds though the rifle, have the load i want to shot. Just…
The final part of the Live Free PR20 introduction https://www.youtube.com…
Is the southwest desert hunt (deer) worth burning 3 points on?
Today it's 3.3 million acres tomorrow its 640 million. If you haven't…
newest family member arrived Friday (the 13th) afternoon https://www.youtub…
My wife (Anne) started the New Year with her very first deer in Arizona. …
I am a software developer working with online maps and location…
Page 3 of 890, showing 20 record(s) out of 17,794 total